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  • Writer's pictureSKY Restoration DKI

Code Red Program

Question: What is the Code Red Program?

Answer: This is a FREE program where a specialty trained SKY Property Restoration DKI

representative comes into your commercial business and helps you get prepared for any type of disaster to hit. Your business can be any size, but we especially suggest if your building is bigger than about the size of a residential home, that it is important to have us come in and perform this service. This program is also available for property mangers, duplex owners, hotels, factories and more.

Another reason to enroll in the Code Red Program is that when there are complex buildings, you can save time and money by having an outline of the building already done and information like where any water shut offs are, if there are areas that HAVE to have power at all costs, such as a medical facility.

Once begun, the Code Red Program will be completed and returned to you in less than a week. The approximate amount of time that it will take is between 4-8 hours onsite to gather the information needed. We are currently servicing any business in the state of Kentucky, along with the Northern Tennessee areas.

The #1 reason to enroll in the Code Red Program is to not only educate yourself on your own building, but also in the event there is a large catastrophe in our area and you have an issue, you will immediately be moved to the front of the list of clients for service.

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