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  • Writer's pictureSKY Restoration DKI

Potential Wildfire Starters

With a vast majority of wildfires being started by humans, it is important to do everything we can to avoid this issue from arising. Here are some of the most common reasons why wildfires start:

● Improperly extinguished campfires

● Unattended barbecues

● Discarded cigarettes

● Intentional acts of arson

● Burning of debris

● Equipment misuse and malfunctions

Many of these reasons are avoidable, and we should always take caution when fire is

concerned. Make sure to always extinguish fires you have purposely set, and never leave them unattended. Another tip to avoid a fire outbreak is to NEVER light a fire while there is a burn ban in your area.

If your home or business is ever impacted by smoke or fire, reach out to the fire experts as soon as possible at (270) 253-4354.

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